How Can you Get Involved?
- Start your own local LibertyIsNow meet-up group using
- join the LibertyIsNow Facebook Group
- Pass out pocketbooks to educate people on Liberty (check the right hand menu for a couple good ones)
- Wear LibertyIsNow clothing (or make your own!) to help promote
- Write editorials to your local papers
- Get involved in your local town hall meetings and partisan groups
- Host and Organize seminars to educate, you can present or use online community resources to find someone who would (I'm more than glad to if you live in NYC)
- Post these videos on your friends comments
- Burn this MP3 on Cd's and Flashdrives and distribute them to people
- Learn Learn Learn, and never stop learning
Endorsed Candidates: Rand Paul (KY - Senate), Clint Didier (WA - Senate), John Dennis (CA - Congress)